Literatura o Beaglach

Co i gdzie piszą o Beaglach


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Beagles: Everything about Purchase, Care, Nutrition, Breeding, Behavior and Training (Complete Owner's Manual) - Lucia Vriends-Parent, et al; Paperback

Beagle Training Basics: The Care, Training and Hunting of the Beagle - Bill Bennett, et al; Paperback

Beagles - Barbara Arnn; Hardcover

Beagles - Beverly Pisano; Hardcover/Paperback

Beagles (Kallen, Stuart A., Dogs Set Ii) - Stuart A. Kallen; Library Binding

 Beagles Today - Andrew H. Brace; Hardcover

The Beagle (Wilcox, Charlotte. Learning about Dogs) - Charlotte Wilcox; School & Library Binding

 The Beagle: An Owner's Guide to Happy, Healthy Pet - Richard Roth; Hardcover

 The New Beagle: A Dog For All Seasons - Judith M. Musladin, Anton C. Musladin, Ada T. Lueke, Ann Mackenzie (illustrator), Rosalind Hall (contributor); Hardcover.

 A New Owner's Guide to Beagles (JG-136) - David Arnold, Hazel Arnold; Hardcover

The Beagle - Marcia A. Foy, Anna Katherine Nicholas (Editor)

 Guide to Owning A Beagle: Puppy Care, Grooming, Training, History, Health, Breed Standard (Re Dog Series) - Andrew Vallila; Paperback

The Ultimate Beagle: The Natural Born Rabbit Dog - Robert L. Mason; Hardcover

Beagles - reissue edition 1994; School and Library Binding

The Beagle (Top Dog Series) - William R. Sanford, Carl R. Green; Out of Print

Breeding Better Beagles - John Parks; Out of Print

Cal99 Beagles (Fathiful Friends)- Calender 1999

Beagles Deluxe - Calender, published 1998

 Cal99 Beagles - Calender, published July 1998

Cal99 Big & Little Beagles (Big & Little Dog Series) - Calender 1999, published Jan 1999

Cal99 For the love of Beagles - Deluxe Edition calender 1999, published Sep. 1998.

Beagle Dunsk Klub - racechunde / Denmark
"EAGLES" Beverly Pisano (C) 1979
"This Is The Beagle" George D. Whitney, D.V.M., 1955
"Beagles" Beverly Pisano, 1988
"Know Your Beagle" Earl Schneider
"The New Complete Beagle" Henry J. Colombo i inni, 1969
"An Owner's Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet - The Beagle", Richard Roth, 1996
"The New Beagle" Judith M. Musladin, M.D. i inni, 1990
"Beagles - A Complete Pet Owner's Manual", Lucia Vriends-Parent, 1987
"How to Raise and Train a BEAGLE" Mary Alice Ward and Sara M. Barbaresi (C) 1958

Beagles 2000 Calender - published March 1999

Beagles Weekly 2000 Calender - published March 1999

FooFur - Legal Beagles - VHS (NTSC), Rated NR

If Beagles Could Fly (Peanuts Collector Series No. 6) - Charles M Schulz; Out of Print

Beagling - J.C. Jeremy Hobson; Out of Print.

The Beagle - Thelma Grey; Out of Print

All about the Beagle - Heather Priestley; Out of Print

Beagles and Beagling - Douglas Appleton; Out of Print

The New Complete Beagle - Harry J. Colombo (Editor); Out of Print

Wonderful World of Beagles and Beagling - Anna K. Nicholas; Out of Print

Beagles - Catherine Sutton; Out of Print

The Beagle - Catherine Sutton; Out of Print

Beagles - Mario Migliorini; Out of Print

Your Beagle - Hardcover, published 1976 (Special Edition)

Beagles Postcard Book - published 1997

Beagles: A Book of Postcards - published 1996

And the Beagles and the Bunnies Shall Lie Down Togther - Charles M. Schulz; Paperback

Atlas of Experimentally-Induced Neoplasia in the Beagle Dog - Stephen A. Benjamin, Charles R. Watson, Thomas E. Fritz; Paperback


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